
Dyslexia Success Stories

Clients tell us about their experiences. We changed the names on some of these reports.

S. has been doing well. We also went had a hospital appt with an eye doctor yesterday and his convergence appears to have improved.

(Mother of 8 year old with dyslexia)

When we met him S. could not easily for his eyes converge less than 2 meters away which was making reading difficult. He can now see the text at a reasonable distance.

Margo has helped with both my professional and personal development.

There’s something about a lesson with her that not only inspires, but fills you with a confidence that words cannot describe.

Before meeting Margo I was mostly getting B’s.

Now with her help and expertise almost all of my essays are getting an A+.

However, despite her knowledge and ability to communicate with my dyslexic and dyspraxic thinking styles, the most important thing that Margo has taught me is to believe in myself.

And that is a lesson that I can’t thank her enough for!

Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

Thank you all very much for helping L. She is doing well at school and very grateful for the help you provided at a difficult time.

(Mother of 12 year old school refuser with dyslexia)

Margo always goes above and beyond for her students.

She helped me get through my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and I couldn’t have done it without her.


When I started with Margo, I wasn’t really sure what a specialist tutor could do for me.

I had only just been diagnosed as dyslexic, but doing an arts degree I didn’t do much written work.

What I didn’t realize was just how valuable it would be to have someone to talk through my ideas with, and to help me organize all my different projects.

I doubt I would be getting the grades I am now without her.


Margo was my dyslexia tutor at university, and changed my life in so many ways, which I’m grateful for.

She taught me how to retain information when I read, something I previously had a lot of difficulty with.

I also had extreme difficulty with math. Margo figured out the root cause, and while I’ll never be a mathematician (nor want to be), I’m now confident with math and numbers in general.


I have no idea how I would have survived university without Margo.

Margo is fantastic in so many ways and will do whatever it takes to get you the results you need.

She’ll support you not only in your studies or job, but in your life.


Without Margo, I wouldn’t have gotten my degree.

She would listen to me attentively about any issues.

I often struggled with putting my thoughts and ideas to paper and she would help me get things down without getting lost in the essay. Margo treats everyone individually based on their specific needs.

Without her, I wouldn’t have even considered applying to do my masters.


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Turn Dyslexia
Uncover Your Superpower

Nurture your star qualities
Diminish your difficulties

At Oxford Specialist Tutors, we help those with Dyslexia succeed not only in college, but in life.

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