
Understand Dyslexia
Uncover Your Child’s Superpower

Nurture your star qualities
Diminish your difficulties

Expert dyslexia tutors – Chicago, Illinois.

We will not only teach your child how to read, but also how to think and learn effectively.

Book Free Consultation

Margo Fourman

Founder, Oxford Specialist Tutors
B.Sc., M.Ed., Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy

Despite working in education and being a teacher her entire life, Margo struggled with severe dyslexia and dyspraxia for most of her life. At age 50 she finally discovered how to turn her disability into a superpower. She now supports students around the world in doing the same for themselves.

“Your child is lazy!” “He never brings the right things to class!” “She is always daydreaming!”

As you know all too well, having a child with dyslexia can be a handful. No matter how hard they try, they just cannot get it right.

Other parents judge you without understanding what you’re dealing with.

You’ve followed the traditional, well-intentioned advice for learning to read and write: endless repetition, Orton-Gillingham and multisensory approaches.

When your child struggled, teachers told them they just needed to work harder and do even more repetition.

Which makes sense...

...to people who don’t know what it’s really like to struggle with dyslexia.

Your child is just as frustrated as you are. Nobody seems to understand them. They are fighting to get good grades, fit in, and “be normal”, but it just doesn’t work like that.

It’s not your fault - you’ve been doing all you can to help them.

Sure, they can read materials over and over again and endlessly write and rewrite essays, but at higher educational levels, that just doesn’t cut it.

It might get them passing grades, but they never get scores that match their intelligence.

Here’s the reality...

They not only need to learn how to fit in with the expectations of other people, but to discover the strengths of their special abilities and how to use them to their advantage.

Sure, your child needs to be able to read words and sentences, but that will only get them so far. More importantly, they need to discover what their real thinking style is and use it to their advantage.

And the only way to achieve this is to get personal guidance from a specialist dyslexia tutor who actually understands what dyslexia is, how to manage it, and most importantly, how to guide them to find what will work best for them.

It’s not that they are “learning disabled” or stupid. It’s that they’ve been following the advice of people who don’t understand them. Their teachers have been trying to force them to be like everyone else, instead of helping them learn how they learn.

For those with Dyslexia, there are specific secrets to succeeding in school... and in life.

Think about it. Dyslexia is a genetic trait that has evolved over millions of years and appears everywhere around the world. So it must have an evolutionary advantage, or it would have died out. Your child just needs to learn what that evolutionary advantage is and how to use it to their benefit.

Many of the things you’ve been told are wrong:

  • Most teachers will tell your child that they need to read things over and over in order to learn. They force them to follow sequences and procedures for learning.
  • It might surprise you to discover that this is the worst possible way for a dyslexic to learn. Following sequences and procedures taxes their working memory and makes it impossible for them to make intelligent connections.
  • A student with dyslexia needs to start with their existing web of knowledge and understanding, and connect new information into that holistic web.
  • It's called deeper learning!
  • To match their non-linear thinking style, people with dyslexia find that using mind maps gives them a fast track to making those deeper connections when they read new materials.
  • Perhaps the biggest myth of all is that people with dyslexia are stupid and lazy. In fact, dyslexics can see the big picture when others cannot. They learn best by starting from the big picture and then adding in the details later.

Getting advice from people who don’t deeply understand dyslexia is like bringing an airplane to a car mechanic. They aren’t going to know what to do with it, so they’ll change the oil and send you on your child on their way.

Our specialist dyslexia tutors are the airplane mechanics. We understand how your child really learns, so we can show them how to turn what others consider a disability into a superpower.

We aren’t here to teach math, chemistry, or any specific subject. We’re here to teach your child how they learn - and to adapt with them as they progress through school and their courses get progressively more difficult.

Once they learn how to start from the big picture and manage cognitive overload, they will not just keep up with your classmates, but excel. As you both start to see the improvement, the tension in your family will dissolve and be replaced by hope, understanding and achievement.

All their life, they have been told that dyslexia is a problem. Our specialist dyslexia tutors will show you and your child how to turn it into a superpower.

We serve clients in Chicago, Illinois.

If you would like to talk with one of our experts to discuss what would be the best approach to support your Dyslexic child, book a free consultation today.

These people had Dyslexia and made it a superpower.
Why not join them?

Magic Johnson

Basketball Hall of Famer

Sir Richard Branson

Founder of the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies

Steven Spielberg
