Dyspraxia Success Stories

While there are simply too many stories to list here, we’d like to share some of the transformations our students with dyspraxia have gone through after working with Oxford Specialist Tutors.

When I started working with Oxford Specialist Tutors, I had difficulty absorbing written text. The only things that would keep my attention were things like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. 

Now I’m able to focus not just on reading the words, but what these words are describing. I recently finished reading a book, and when I was done, I was able to tell people what happened in the book from beginning to end.

Also, I was very clumsy, bumping into things and having serious falls with remarkable frequency.

I’ve had only one fall recently. But that was after going to the gym and I think I overstrained myself.

The last time I fell before that? It’s been so long that I can’t even remember!

So my balance and coordination have improved a lot.

My self confidence has improved a lot too.

And for the first time in my life, my family has started to take me seriously.

Roisin, Dyspraxia

Margo has helped with both my professional and personal development. There’s something about a lesson with her that not only inspires, but fills you with a confidence that words cannot describe. Before meeting Margo I was mostly getting B’s. Now with her help and expertise almost all of my essays are getting an A+. However, despite her knowledge and ability to communicate with my dyslexic and dyspraxic thinking styles, the most important thing that Margo has taught me is to believe in myself. And that is a lesson that I can’t thank her enough for!

Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

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Turn Dyspraxia
Uncover Your Superpower

Nurture your star qualities
Diminish your difficulties

At Oxford Specialist Tutors, we help those with Dyspraxia succeed not only in college, but in life.

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